
echolage; memory subjective

Happy Morning

We’re a family of three living right in the middle of a city on the edge of the prairie and the mountains. We’ve had quite an adventure for the past few years but are enjoying being back in our city, at least for now. It’s a slow process this being us and we’re constantly learning just what that means. Right now it means we are a family of:






Care Givers

Urban Homesteaders

Rock Climbers


We are learning to be:

Business Owners






And this is the spot that I share my thoughts and images, as well as keep track to the joy and learning in our lives. Oh and occasionally I write mediocre poetry here just because no one’s going to stop me.

6 thoughts on “About”

  1. Nice meeting you yesterday. Your melodic writing brings me back to those days w/ a young child. Keep it up. Having adult children who are still close and sharing is sublime.

    I’ll pass this on to other mom bloggers via Twitter and hope to see you again on Elliot St.

  2. Hey Stacey, good to find you out here in cyberspace! How are you all? Alder sure is growing! Hope all is well there…keep in touch, Lisa,(& Marc, Clyde, and bebe Rowan) Williams

  3. Thought you might like to know about a new online show called the School Sucks Podcast which talks about the problems with public education and discusses alternatives – including private school, homeschooling and unschooling:


  4. Just checking out your site and liking it!

  5. This is beautiful. Glad to have found your space. I did NaNoWriMo last year (actually, for myself, in February). It was amazing. Many of the words you use to describe yourself resonate with me. Looking forward to reading more about your journey.

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